Privacy Policy

Information You Provide To Us: We Receive And Store Information You Enter On Our Website Or Provide To Us In Any Other Way. Examples Include, But Are Not Limited To, Information When You Search, Browse, Purchase, Post A Review, Participate In Sweepstakes Or Surveys, Or Communicate With Customer Service. We Use The Information You Provide For The Following Purposes: Respond To Your Requests, Process Your Orders, Customize Future Shopping Experiences, Respond To You, Or Send You Marketing And Advertising Communications. If We Have Problems Processing Your Order, Your Personal Information May Be Used To Contact You.

Personal information is any information about an identifiable individual and therefore includes any information that can be used to identify them, such as their name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number or email address.

What personal data do I collect?

We may collect personal information, including your name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number and email. We also automatically collect information about your hardware and software when you use our website. This information may include your IP address, browser type, access times and/or referring web addresses. This information is used by us for the operation of the website and the services offered on the website and to maintain the quality of the services offered on the website.

We do not collect your financial information or retain credit card numbers used to purchase products or services, as this information is collected by a financial institution that has its own privacy policy. If you receive a request to provide sensitive personal information (such as credit card information) in an email, do not provide this information because the request may be fraudulent. You can help us identify fraud attempts – if anything suspicious happens, please contact our privacy officer.

When and how do we collect your PERSONAL information?

We Collect Most Personal Information Directly From You When You Consent To Communications From Us. Your Consent May Be Express (For Example, You Agree To The Use Of Your Information By Ticking A Box) Or Implied By An Action You Take Or Do Not Take (That Is, Because You Have Accepted Terms And Conditions That Contain Information About The Use Or Disclosure Of Your Information). You Provide Us With Your Information When You Purchase (Or Research To Purchase) Products Or Services From Us, You Ask To Know More About Our Products Or Services, You Request To Work With Us, You Participate In Our Contests, You Make A Refund, Refund Or Other Claim, You Use Our Website (S) Or Other Applications, You Deal With Us By Phone, Write To Us, Or When You Visit One Of Our Stores.

We May Also Collect Information About How You Use Our Website (S) Or Apps To Help Us Serve You Better. For Example, We May Do This When You Click On A Link On Our Website (S) Or Visita Website That Displays Our Ads. This Information Is Derived From Cookies That Identify The Computer You Used To Access Our Site (S) Or Applications, And The Cookies Collect Your Server Address; Your Top-Level Domain Name (E.G.,.Com,.Nz,.Gov,.Au,.Net,.Edu, Etc.); The Time And Date Of Your Visit To The Website; The Pages And Documents You Have Accessed Or Viewed And The Type Of Browser You Are Using. When We Use Cookies And Other Tracking Technologies To Collect Your Personal And Non-Personally Identifiable Information We Collect Information To: Better Understand Your Browsing And Purchasing Behavior; Analyze And Track Website Usage Data; Determine The Popularity Of Certain Content; Deliver Advertising And Content Aimed At Your Interest On Our Website; Better Understand Your Online Activity; Improve Our Website And Your Online Experience; Count The Number Of Visits; And For Other Legitimate Internal Business Purposes (Together “Remarketing, Traffic, Demographics And Reporting Of Interest “).

We Have Contracted Google To Provide Ads On Our Behalf And Provide Analytics Services. Google May Use Cookies And Other Tracking Technologies To Collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information For Remarketing, Traffic, Demographics And Interest Reporting Through Google Advertising Cookies And Anon Identifiers. If You Opt-In To Apps, Your Personal Information May Be Combined With Non-Personally Identifiable Information Collected Through Any Google Advertising Product Or Feature For Use By Us For Remarketing, Traffic, Demographics And Interest Reporting Purposes.

What If You Do Not Want Us To Collect Your Personal Information?

You Do Not Have To Provide Us With Any Personal Information Unless You Wish. For Example, It Is Your Choice Whether You Purchase Our Products Or Services Or Receive Communications From Us. If You Choose Not To Provide Us With Your Personal Information, We May Not Be Able To Provide A Product Or Service Or Deal With You.

What if you no longer wish to receive communications from us?

At any time you can unsubscribe from marketing communications via the unsubscribe link in the footer of any of our emails.

How do we store and protect your personal information?
We have appropriate measures in place to prevent personal information from being accidentally lost from being used or accessed in an unauthorized manner. Your personal information may be stored by us
In various forms, both electronic and paper. You should be aware that there are inherent risks associated with transmitting personal information over the Internet, however, we
Take reasonable measures to maintain the integrity and security of any personal information we have stored, including taking reasonable measures to prevent interference and loss, misuse,
Unauthorized access, modification or disclosure of such personal information.
It is important that you protect your privacy by ensuring that no one gets your personal information and you should contact us if your details change. If you do not wish to use the Internet
Transmit personal information you can email or phone the privacy officer.
We retain the personal information we collect about you for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. How long we keep it will depend on the nature of
Information, the purpose for which it is processed and whether you chose to unsubscribe from our communications.
If we no longer need your personal information for the purposes set forth in this privacy policy or have received it inadvertently, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or safely disidentify it.

We keep your personal information that we obtain about you for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. How long we keep it will depend on the nature of
information, the purpose for which it is processed and whether you chose to unsubscribe from our communications.
If we no longer require your personal information for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy or we have received it inadvertently, we will take reasonable steps to securely destroy or de-identify
it as soon as practicable, as long as it is lawful to do so.
We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulatory authority of a suspected data security breach where we are
legally required to do so.

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